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Trump is laying low and playing it cool while the Dems self-destruct

Trump is showing uncharacteristic self-discipline at the moment by laying low and allowing the Democrats to completely self-destruct. Although Trump has never shied away from saying controversial things that get the media in a frenzy, he knows that if he goes out now and says anything, the narrative will change and the focus will be on him. Instead, he's sitting back and enjoying the conundrum the Democrats have created for themselves.

Although he is planning event in Miami. He's done very little publicly in the last couple of weeks.

It's fascinating to watch MSM actually doing what Trump would normally do, or the RNC would normally do. They are beside themselves at the thought of a Biden loss (really, a Dem loss) and they don't know what to do. They can't get Jill to give up power and they are basically screwed. Remember that Jill Biden has been a senator's wife for decades, which itself is a very powerful position. Then you become a Vice President's wife, and now you're the wife of the Leader of the Free World and you're not about to give that up easily.

Jill has nothing to lose here. Remember that she's not the one who's going to be held accountable for any of the policies Biden or his handlers implement, so she gets a free ride and gets to be the belle of the ball, marching her husband out to events regardless of how feeble he looks.

Let's say the Democrats offer her some kind of a deal; for example, maybe they offer to pay off the house the Bidens have had to mortgage multiple times. Power means more to her than money, and Jill Biden knows is well aware that once Joe leaves office, the Democrat party will want nothing to do with her. They'll toss her like a bag of trash and she knows it. And where would that leave Hunter? Although I'm not even sure if she cares about him, she's still basically stuck with him. Talk about a family with issues.

Think of how much money people personally spend or raise in order to get jobs that don't pay that much. For example, think about the State Legislature and how much money you have to raise to win a legislative seat. Many consider the NV Leg or any other state legislature a step towards something larger in politics, and often it is. The fact that it doesn't pay much isn't the issue. You feel as if you have a certain amount of power and control over your district. And depending on which party you're in, and which party is in power at the time, you obviously have a lot of control over certain pieces of legislation. If you've ever been up to a state capitol you'd be amazed at what goes on there. These people truly are drunk on the power they think they have.

So don't be surprised if Jill Biden continues to be the biggest obstacle for the Democrats going forward. Quite often the women are the real power behind powerful men. When you couple that with the roles spouses often take on when a partner is cognitively impaired, running the family, running the business, etc., you can see that Jill has been in tremendous power for a very long time.

Bottom line: Joe Biden as President is the only power Jill has. If Biden steps down, Jill disappears from being important to the Democrats, and she's just not ready to face that bleak future. It's quite amusing to watch, isn't it? Pass the popcorn.

Heidi Harris

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