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More allegations against Michele Fiore

The allegations against former City Councilwoman and Justice of the Peace Michelle Fiore are piling up. If you'll recall, after her house was raided by the FBI, she chose to run for office again, likely intending to just throw them off or at least delay any prosecution, which would've looked political at the time. When the FBI raids your house, there's usually a reason.

Not always, obviously, and everyone is innocent till proven guilty. We also know that the FBI has been known to persecute people who are innocent. I mean, look at the folks who were in Washington DC on January 6 and what's happened to some of them. For more on that, I would highly recommend Ashli: The Untold Story of the Woman of Jan 6, by Jack Cashill. I also conducted an interview with Jack about Jan 6 and his book. Watch that HERE.

Back to Michele, and the allegations. it's no secret that I have not been a fan of hers, since I don't believe she has been the best example of conservatism in the way she behaves. I'm not going to try the case here, or make personal attacks, but I have often wondered how it was that Michele lived like she did with the amount of money City Council people make. She supposedly had some business on the side, but even that was questionable. She always seemed to be living a lot larger somehow. Apparently there are a wide range of people and organizations who gave her money that, according to the FBI, was used for personal expenses. I hope they televise the proceedings!

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